38 • OIL
Taco recently introduced the FuelMizer
which is a microprocessor-based control
designed to regulate the supply water
temperature of a single boiler, based on the
outdoor temperature.
The FuelMizer is a boiler reset control
and switching relay in one unit that Taco
says is ideal for retrofits but may also be
used for new installations. Including
functions such as automatic reset, ratio
calculation, warm weather shutdown,
minimum boiler temperature settings and
boiler differential settings, the FuelMizer’s
control monitors both boiler and outdoor
sensors. It is capable of controlling a
system or zone valve circulator as well as
over-riding outdoor resets when a DHW
tank calls for heat.
Taco says the FuelMizer is easy to install
and set. Contractor friendly with logical
layouts and intuitive, easily customized
controls, the FuelMizer will not affect the
boiler’s warranty. It includes front-mounted
LED lights that provide full diagnostic
Typical energy savings are about 14
percent, though some customers have
experienced up to 30 percent reductions in
energy used once the FuelMizer is installed,
according to the company. For more infor-
mation about the FuelMizer, download a
PDF at
In other news, Taco announced its com-
mercial MPT (Multi-Purpose Tank) product
line, which incorporates features of Taco’s
buffer tank, 5900 and standard in-line air
separator lines within a single product.
This product line offers tank sizes ranging
in volume between 50 and 1,050 gallons
across 16 model sizes with nozzle connec-
tions varying between 2 and 10 inches as
standard. Each unit includes four flanged
nozzles, a 2-inch full port blow down valve
and a factory installed air vent. The MPT
tank series is designed, constructed, tested
and stamped to the requirements of Section
VIII Division 1 of the ASME code. Each
tank is designed for 125 psi at 240° F.
Angus Performance Advisors (APA)
recently announced the release of a new
business intelligence software program
designed exclusively for fuel oil and propane
companies. The new program, BRITE™,
makes it simple for companies to get key
performance data from their back office
systems instantly, in a format that makes
it easy to manage business with certainty,
according to the company.
BRITE (briteinfo.com) enables fuel
companies to instantly access reports
showing service and sales performance,
actual margin vs. budget, pricing program
positions, delivery effectiveness and much
more, according to the company’s press
release. In addition to giving fuel compa-
nies a broad view of what is actually hap-
pening in their businesses, BRITE allows
companies to drill down into the informa-
tion. It also flags areas that are off target,
and provides guidance on potential action
steps. A benchmarking component will add
perspective by allowing subscribers to see
how similar companies are performing in
each category.
“The back office systems in our industry
are excellent at handling day-to-day func-
tions at fuel companies,” says Bob Levins,
Managing Partner of APA. “But they were
not really designed to make it easy to pull all
this information together in ways that make
it simple to understand what’s occurring
in your business right now, and how that
affects your profitability and growth poten-
tial. BRITE complements these systems and
really unleashes your power to turn informa-
tion into insight, and insight into action.”
BRITE is an outgrowth of work APA
(formerly TAG Systems) has done for fuel
companies in the oil and propane space for
more than 12 years. TAG has installed pro-
prietary programs for many of the country’s
largest oil and propane companies, learning
a great deal about what matters most to
fuel companies. However, these custom-
ized individual installations required large
investments. The breakthrough occurred
when APA took their reporting capability
and placed it in a cloud environment. Now,
many of the benefits will be available at a
fraction of the cost, easily within reach of
the vast majority of fuel dealers.
“Imagine if you could flip on your
computer and instantly see how your real
margins and gallons are comparing to your
budgeted ones rather than waiting till the
end of the month? Or which autos switched
to will call yesterday? Which service-agree-
ment customers were costing you too much
money because they were getting too many
calls? Imagine if you could know your gains
and losses month to date, year to date, vs.
last year, and vs. your own goals, and were
flagged if you were falling off your targets?
How much easier would it be to take action
quickly and get your team aligned on the
same page? That’s the power of BRITE,”
says David Baratz, APA General Manager.
BRITE operates in a secure environment,
and can be accessed by laptop, iPad or smart-
phone—so you can get critical information
about your business at any time, wherever
you happen to be. It will also offer selective
access for employees, so you can share only
certain information with key managers.
Angus says that BRITE can be installed
easily with a modest learning curve. There
is no huge financial investment. Instead,
subscribers pay a monthly fee and aren’t
handcuffed by a long-term commitment.
“BRITE doesn’t change anything in your
existing software, and it literally takes
about a week—not months—to get up and
running. Our team is fully prepared to help
our subscribers get going and to understand
how to get the most from this powerful
tool,” says Baratz.
“It is clearly getting harder and harder to
run a fuel business successfully, and there
is less margin for error than ever before. We
think once people start using BRITE, they’ll
wonder how they ever got by without it,”
says Levins.
Duplex Pump Set
Webster – New Oil Safety Valve
Webster now has an Oil Safety
Valve for BIO applications. This
valve is U/L listed for BIO Fuel and
is compatible with a wide range of
other fuels such as B20-B100, #1 &
#2 Fuel Oil, Diesel, Kerosene and
Waste Oil... with a Temperature
Range of -40 to 140°F
Webster is a leading manufacturer of
fuel oil pumps and valves for the oil
heat industry. We manufacture a
wide variety of pumps, regulating
valves, oil safety valves, *duplex
automatic or manual
pump sets and supply
pumps for residential,
industrial and
commercial burner
BIO Oil Safety Valve