Oil and Energy November 2013 - page 4

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Volume 15/Issue 11 © November 2013
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Oil & Energy
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Propane, Diesel Fuel, Bioheat
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NEFI FYI ............................................6-8
Products ........................................ 40, 43
Advertiser Index.................................. 44
Classifieds............................................ 44
Calendar .............................................. 45
Stats ..................................................... 46
John MacKenna
Art Director
William Mortensen
10 Ways to Generate More Business This Winter
PriMedia President Richard Rutigliano offers advice that companies can implement
now to generate new business this winter. You can reach him at 516-222-2041 or
What is ‘Goodwill’ and How Can I Get Some?
John H. Nardozzi, CPA, CVA, MST and owner of Nardozzi, LLC, explains why
goodwill is one of a fuel retailer’s most important assets. He can be reached at
or 617-487-4752.
The Battle Against Gasoline Dispenser Skimmers
Rich Morahan discusses the problem of identify theft via gasoline dispensers and
identifies solutions that retailers can implement. Morahan is a consultant for Lock
America. You can contact him at 617-240-037 or
Propane Tank Locks Deter Theft and Unauthorized Fills
Two products from Lock America can help propane retailers deter theft and prevent
unauthorized fills.
Blend With Care
Oil & Energy discusses fuel storage and blending with Brian Savage,
President of Savage Associates, specialists in petroleum storage and distribution.
Industry’s Approach on Tanks Is Much Improved
John Levey, President of Oilheat Associates, discusses changes in the industry’s
approach to tanks. He can be reached at 516-679-4686 or
Hedging Guidance Adds Valuable Perspective
Rick Trout, Account Manager for Hedge Solutions, discusses the importance of
professional guidance in protecting profit margins. You can reach him at
800-709-2949 or
Five Reasons to Work With a Financial Advisor
Jeff Simpson, Managing Director of Angus Energy’s Advisory & Finance team,
explains how fuel retailers can improve performance by working with a financial
advisor. He can be reached at (860)299-3358 or
When Failure Is Not An Option
Kent Crawford, Regional Manager, USA and Canada, for Blackmer
Pump Solutions Group, writes about Dennis K. Burke’s use of Blackmer pumps.
Crawford can be reached at
Leveraging the RFS for Success in Home Heating
Jenna Higgins Rose, writing for the National Biodiesel Board, discusses Bioheat
production and sales in Vermont. She can be reached at
or 573-234-8935.
Make Your Numbers Count
Bob Levins, a Principal at Angus Performance Advisors, says metrics are very
important when there is little margin for error. He can be reached at 267-583-3071
Credit Card Surcharging Now Permitted
Jenn Matthews, Compliance Specialist for Tiger Payment Solutions, discusses
credit card surcharges and how dealers can pass them on. She can be reached at
781-585-4343 or
Tier 3 Would Bring Changes to Gasoline and Vehicles
Ed Burke, Chairman of the Board of Dennis K. Burke Inc., discusses the anticipated final
rule on the Tier 3 standard. He can be reached at
or 617-884-7800.
FMCSA Announcers 17 Minor Rule Changes
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has issued rule changes to
comply with this summer’s MAP-21 Transportation bill.
Hedge Insite Helps Fuel Marketers See Ahead
Oil & Energy speaks with Rich Larkin, President of Hedge Solution, about
Hedge Insite, a software program for tracking and testing hedging strategies.
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