Oil & Energy - Sept 2013 - page 23

September 2013 • 23
Ford engines that stretch out over 14 dif-
ferent Ford vehicle platforms including the
F250-650 series trucks, F-53 and 59 strip
chassis and E-150-350 series vans and E-450
strip chassis. Please don’t forget, the RCT
engine is the standard alternative fuel option
for Blue Bird type A and C school buses also.
PERC continues to work diligently with
OEMs and pursue with the intent of seeing
more OEM offerings in the future; however,
the Ford and GM products available today
are OEM delivered units that require QVMs
to install propane autogas systems at offsite
locations. Full warranty and repair support
is available through the Ford dealer network
and OEM warranties are honored.
Unlike Ford and GM, vehicles produced
by Freightliner Custom Chassis, Blue Bird,
Collins and Thomas Built Bus and Isuzu
are OEM products that are produced on the
assembly and sold through a dealer network
with complete dealer support including sales,
marketing, warranty, repair and service.
O&E: How important is the autogas
opportunity for propane retailers?
Of all U.S. markets, a growing
number of propane retailers across the
country are enjoying the benefits of the
development and availability of reliable
propane autogas technology. The propane
marketer will benefit from the lowest fuel
costs possible while enjoying the perfor-
mance of a vehicle that operates on the fuel
they market and provide. It’s a win-win
from both the capital cost and operations
expense viewpoints.
From an economic standpoint, Propane
marketers across the U.S. are replacing
“lost gallons” that are linked to shrinking
traditional markets and mild winters simply
by embracing and promoting autogas as a
fleet fuel. Marketers throughout the U.S. are
engaging in this new and exciting business
opportunity, which is producing income
streams that will support and grow their busi-
ness for years to come. It’s exciting to witness
the transition of the typical propane marketer
of the past into the autogas experts today.
O&E: Is autogas fueling largely limited to fleet
locations? How many public autogas fueling
locations are there in the U.S. now? What are
your expectations for the years ahead? Will a
public fueling infrastructure develop?
Unlike other alternative fuels,
Propane autogas is portable and easy to
transport to any urban, suburban or rural
location. Propane autogas is scalable, so
there is no minimum vehicle requirement
to realize an acceptable ROI. There are no
special garaging or maintenance require-
ments different than today’s gasoline and
diesel technologies.
Typically propane marketers will pro-
vide the fueling infrastructure at no upfront
costs in exchange for a long-term fueling
contract. As more and more fleet customers
embrace propane autogas and increase their
fleet purchases throughout the U.S., the
propane autogas infrastructure will expand.
It’s inevitable.
O&E: Is it legal and/or advisable to fuel
autogas vehicles from propane stations that
are designed to fill portable BBQ-style tanks?
While it is conceivable to fuel at this
type of location, PERC does not condone
fueling at sites that are not adequately
equipped to dispense fuel safely. In 2012,
PERC developed a minimum recommended
fuel dispenser specification, and we offer it
to the public for use in constructing fueling
sites. The specification can be located at
Autogas fuel providers must adhere to
and comply with all federal, state and local
codes, regulations and requirements, which
are covered in NFPA 58 and 30 documents.
PERC does not recommend fueling from
sites that do not comply with all codes,
regulations and requirements.
O&E: What is the current price advantage for
autogas versus gasoline and diesel, respec-
tively, compensating for the variation in mpg?
Propane autogas offers a compa-
rable, equivalent 40 percent to 60 percent
price advantage over diesel and gasoline
throughout the U.S. While it is true there
may be a 10 percent to 15 percent differ-
ence in MPG, this measurement is a relative
term and has minimal meaning in most of
our propane autogas markets.
Sustainability should be measured as
“cost to deliver the payload per mile,” and
the propane autogas ROI is significant when
you take this approach to measuring the
success of a fuel’s sustainability. Propane
autogas’s ROI has been documented and
validated by our loyal customers, and the
results are astounding.
O&E: Is PERC supporting any current R&D
relating to autogas and autogas vehicles?
Daily. Numerous projects. Dedi-
cated, bi-fuel and dual fuel technologies
and market applications. On road and off
Q&A: PERC’s Michael Taylor
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