The old Google algorithm would have
yielded a less useful set of results, because
it was not focused on the entirety of the
phrase. Rather, it purposefully ignored
words it deemed nonessential and searched
for the essential “keywords” in the query.
This change marks a major departure
for Google and signals important shifts in
how fuel marketers and HVAC contractors
market themselves on the Internet. Instead
of focusing their Websites and other online
assets exclusively on keywords as the vital
factors for search performance, marketers
can aim their content squarely at the human
audience and trust the Google algorithm to
understand their Website and not under-
rank it.
This development contains bad news,
good news and an essential reminder for
The bad news is that any pages you
produced in recent years that were stuffed
with repetitive usage of essential keywords
are now being pushed down in the search
rankings. Google is no longer looking to
answer a search query about “air condition-
ing”with pages that repeat “air conditioning”
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‘Hummingbird’ algorithm
rewards high-value content
worthy of shares and retweets
By Richard Rutigliano, PriMedia, I
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new direction that is changing the way
marketers connect with prospects via the
Google search engine.
The search giant recently replaced its
entire search algorithm, which is the core
engine that determines what Web pages are
served up and in what order in response to
a user’s search. The new algorithm, code-
named Hummingbird, is the most complete
overhaul of the Google algorithm since
2001, according to Google Senior Vice
President Amit Singhal.
Hummingbird, which has been in use
since late August, is designed to make
Google search more effective by improv-
ing comprehension of natural speech
and queries. Google has introduced voice
search on its search apps for IOS, Android
and Chrome, enabling users to speak their
search queries by simply clicking a micro-
phone icon on the Google search page.
Hummingbird is designed to comprehend
every word in a search query to make sense
of it as a whole.
For example, a recent search using the
query “How can I save money on home
heating?” yielded 10 advice articles that
were all directly related to home heating.