Oil&Energy_June 2013 - page 4

4 • OIL
The Holy Grail of Customer Communications
PriMedia President Richard Rutigliano explains the essential roles that text
messaging is likely to play in customer communications. You can reach him at
516-222-2041 or
Pent-Up Pressure for Legislation Could Bring NORA Back
John Huber, President of the National Oilheat Research Alliance (NORA)
discusses the 2013 campaign to reauthorize NORA.
REG Expands Biodiesel Supply in Northeast
Heating oil dealers who are mandated to sell Bioheat
or wish to sell it on their
own can now count on the support of the nation’s largest biodiesel producer.
NEFI Energy Expo 2013 Official Guide
Understanding Challenges, Identifying Opportunities ...............
Michael Trunzo, President and CEO of New England Fuel Institute, welcomes attendees
at the 2013 NEFI Energy Expo and reflects on current challenges, threats and opportunities.
Schedule of Events ...................................................................
The 2013 NEFI Energy Expo features Bioheat seminars, technician training,
visits by former New England Patriots players and more.
Exhibitor Showcase ...................................................................
Information on many of the companies that are exhibiting at the 2013 NEFI Energy Expo.
New Fuels Bring New Challenges
Mark Stellmach, President of Fuel Management Services Inc., discusses solutions
for problems with today’s stressed and complex distillate fuels.
Mechanical Solutions Can Improve Indoor Air
Bruce Marshall, Training Coordinator at Emerson Swan, discusses indoor
air quality and ventilation solutions. He can be reached at 800-998-7926 or
Close Scrutiny of Spec Change Reveals Opportunities
Hedge Solutions Senior Analyst Dan Lothrop takes an in-depth look at the
ramifications of the new NYMEX heating oil contract. You can reach him at
800-709-2949 or
A Brighter Outlook For Autogas
Ed Burke, Chairman of the Board of Dennis K. Burke Inc., examines the potential market
for propane autogas. He can be reached at
or 617-884-7800.
FMCSA Removes Out-of-State Conviction Reporting
Matt Wrobel, vice president of marketing and sales at Foley Services, says the
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is eliminating an onerous reporting
requirement for commercial drivers. He can be reached at
Volume 15/Issue 6 © June 2013
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Oil & Energy
is published monthly by New
incorporated in Massachusetts. The Institute’s
energies and resources are devoted to Oilheat,
Propane, Diesel Fuel, Bioheat
industries and
associated service companies.
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ily reflective of the opinion of the New England
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Advertiser Index.................................. 44
Calendar .............................................. 45
Classifieds............................................ 44
NEFI FYI ............................................ 6,8
Products .............................................. 38
Profiles................................................. 39
Stats ..................................................... 46
John MacKenna
Art Director
William Mortensen
1,2,3 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,...48
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