Member Webinars
NEFI is pleased to announce a special webinar designed to empower you and your business in navigating complex policy discussions with legislators and other policymakers. With the 2024 election year well underway, engaging with policymakers—whether at town hall meetings, rallies, or private events—is more important than ever. It is critical for heating fuel distributors and home comfort providers to clearly communicate the benefits of your services and renewable heating fuels, especially with politicians that may hold differing views.
September 25 at 2 PM
This event is part of our 2024 Election Season Webinar Series and is open to heating fuel distributors, home comfort professionals, and other industry stakeholders. It is closed to the press.
This webinar will provide you with tools and techniques to effectively advocate for your business when speaking with legislators, local officials, and candidates for office. You will learn how to communicate your expertise and concerns in a way that resonates, especially with those who may not understand your business or its importance for their constituents, local jobs, and the economy.
October 1 at 1 PM
In this members-only event, renowned political analyst Jim Ellis will share his predictions for the consequential 2024 election. With decades of experience in state and national politics, Ellis brings unparalleled insight into the potential outcomes and their implications for heating fuel distributors and the broader energy market. His expertise, gained from roles as a consultant, keynote speaker, and executive director for national political action committees, promises an engaging and informative session. Again, this webinar is exclusively for NEFI members!
August 27 at 10 AM
Northeast State Executives will discuss the impact of carbon reduction policies, including blending mandates, Clean Heat Standards and Cap and Invest programs, on heating fuel providers. As policymakers in our region confront the costs and consequences of electrification, they are increasingly embracing renewable heating fuels and high-efficiency technologies offered by our industry to achieve aggressive climate goals. Join us as we navigate these complex state policies and learn how your business can prepare and adapt as these policies are considered across the region.
July 24 at 10 AM
Join NEFI's Washington team for an in-depth look at the status of federal legislation and regulations that affect your business. This webinar, open to all fuel dealers and home comfort providers, will cover the status of renewable fuel incentives, national heating fuel choice legislation, and major regulatory policies such as the ban on employer non-competes agreements and changes to overtime rules. Our experts will provide valuable insights into what to expect pre- and post-election.
For Additional Information about these webinars, contact NEFI Events Coordinator Jessica Levaggi: 617-804-2222 or