Heating Assistance

Updated as of June 18, 2024 03:10 PM

Home Energy Assistance Available for Heating Fuel Customers in Each U.S. State

People who are struggling to pay for heating fuel deliveries and equipment service may receive financial assistance through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). To ask about or apply for assistance, customers should use the public telephone number listed below for their state. Additional information is available via the state agency web pages below or through local agencies listed at https://liheapch.acf.hhs.gov/search-tool/state-territory. For help applying, call the National Energy Assistance Referral Hotline: 1-866-674-6327.

Heating fuel dealers with questions or concerns about the LIHEAP program should reach out to the program manager or coordinator for their state. Contact information is available here: https://neada.org/state-energy-assistance-directors-2/. Dealers experiencing issues with LIHEAP should also bring them to the attention of NEFI and their state heating fuel association so that we may continue to raise these concerns in discussions with state and federal policymakers. To contact NEFI, please call 617-924-1000 or email liheap@nefi.com.