Our National Agenda

NEFI is a leading voice for heating fuel dealers and home comfort providers across America, promoting the interests of these mostly small, family-owned businesses in the halls of government, including the U.S. Congress and federal agencies. We keep our members informed and engaged through various publications, legislative alerts, and occasional calls to action. Our government affairs and advocacy programs focus on a range of critical issues affecting these businesses and the communities they serve.

Advancing Equitable Solutions for Carbon Reduction

Renewable Liquid Heating Fuels (RLHFs) – blends of biodiesel, renewable diesel, and other advanced biofuels with home heating oil – offer an immediate and equitable solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions without requiring costly conversions to other fuels or electric heat pump systems. These fuels utilize existing liquid fuel infrastructure and can be used in existing heating systems. They are often produced domestically, supporting American jobs and businesses while contributing to federal and state climate goals. In keeping with the industry’s 2019 Providence Resolution, NEFI is committed to delivering a net-zero heating fuel to consumers by 2050 and therefore advocates for policies that promote the growth and adoption of RLHFs.

Promoting Market Innovation and Consumer Choice

American families, with support from their local heating fuel provider or service technician, are best suited to make decisions about how to heat and power their home. NEFI therefore opposes fuel and appliance bans that limit choice and increase costs. Instead, we advocate for policies that empower consumers to choose the most efficient fuels and technologies for their budgets and local climates. We believe government policies should encourage innovations that improve system efficiencies and support higher blends of renewable fuels. This may include hybrid systems that combine electric heat pumps with efficient biofuel-compatible furnaces or boilers to reduce emissions and ensure safe and reliable heat, particularly during the coldest winter months.

Advocating for Sensible Regulatory Policies

Small business fuel dealers and home comfort providers are often overwhelmed by onerous and costly regulations, which can drive up energy costs for consumers. NEFI advocates for sensible regulatory policies that provide relief for these businesses while maintaining high standards of safety, accountability, and environmental protection. We work with policymakers to streamline regulations and eliminate arbitrary or redundant requirements, reduce unnecessary burdens, and ensure a level playing field for all.

Education and Workforce Development

NEFI supports policies that address ongoing workforce shortages in the home heating industry, including shortages of commercial vehicle drivers and skilled home energy technicians. We promote vocational schools and well-structured apprenticeship programs as pathways to rewarding careers in the trades. NEFI advocates for reasonable reforms that lower barriers to entry for young people ages 18 to 21, who are seeking a commercial driver's license (CDL), especially those with relevant military experience, while ensuring proper training and safety protocols. We believe in fostering a strong and diverse workforce to meet the evolving needs of our members.

Supporting Our State Association Partners

NEFI works collaboratively with association partners who advocate on behalf of our members and the industry at the state level. Many states across the country have enacted aggressive targets to reduce economywide greenhouse gas emissions. Proposed policies aimed at achieving these goals will have an extraordinary impact on our members, their customers, the cost and availability of heating fuels and appliances, and utility rates. They will also impact regional energy security and reliability, especially policies aimed at 100% building electrification. NEFI supports its state association partners as they navigate complex issues such as clean heat standards, appliance installation bans, and mandated heat pump installations through building codes.