Oil & Energy December 2013 - page 40

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AFC First Financial Corp.’s Keystone
Home Energy Loan Program (Keystone
) was honored with the 2013
Andromeda Star of Energy Efficiency award
at The Alliance to Save Energy’s recent
awards ceremony held in Washington, D.C.
U.S. Sen. Robert Casey (D-Pa.) presented
the award to Peter Krajsa, Chairman and
CEO of AFC First, and representatives of
Keystone HELP’s program partners, Keith
Welks from Pennsylvania Treasury and Dan
Lapato from the Pennsylvania Department
of Environmental Protection.
Casey lauded Keystone HELP
on its
success in providing low-cost financing
options to Pennsylvania residents to per-
form energy-saving improvements in their
homes. Keystone HELP
was started in 2005
by AFC First Financial Corporation and the
West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund.
The program was expanded statewide
with principal capital support provided by
Pennsylvania Treasury and program sup-
port from the Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection, with additional
funding from the Pennsylvania Housing
Finance Agency. There is a network of over
1,600 independent Pennsylvania energy
contractors approved to perform work
under the program. To date, the program
has provided more than $100 million in
financing to over 11,000 Pennsylvania
homeowners for energy efficiency home
improvements including heating and
cooling systems, insulation and whole
house energy improvements that meet
Home Performance with ENERGY STAR
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Crown Boiler is offering contractors a
$75 Crown Boiler Visa
Prepaid Card for
every Mega-Stor indirect water heater they
install between now and March 31, 2014.
The company is also continuing to run its
Bimini Bucks and Freeport 2 rewards pro-
grams. To learn more, contact a local Crown
Boiler representative and distributor.
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ECR International, Inc. recently
announced several new additions to its
leadership team.
Jim McKallip, Michael
Mitch O’Connor
all recently accepted key leadership roles
with ECR.
McKallip fills the role of Director of
Engineering and Quality. He has spent over
27 years in the HVAC
industry and brings a
wide array of develop-
ment, application and
technical management
experience to the team.
Within his role McK-
allip will also oversee
Technical Support, which will directly tie
engineering and quality to the customer’s
product experience. He was Director of
Engineering for the past 10 years at McQuay
and prior to that was with Carrier.
LaFreniere has stepped into the newly
created role of Director of Administration.
He will be responsible
for both accounting and
human resources for the
company. LaFreniere has
20 years of experience,
most recently working
at Serta Mattress and
NovAmerica Steel and
O’Connor is now the Director of
Manufacturing. He is responsible for
production, scheduling,
shipping, inventory con-
trol and safety for ECR.
O’Connor has held Plant
Manager and Project
Lead positions for
Crouse Hinds, a division
of Cooper Industries,
and most recently with McQuay. Prior to
these roles he had an exemplary 20-year
service with the U. S. Navy, culminating as
Taco is urging contractors to submit
photos for Taco’s second annual Do Your
Best Work Contest. The top two vote-getting
photos will win a GoPro Hero3 digital
video camera and will be featured on the
Taco FloPro Team website. Contractors are
welcome to upload as many photos as they
like featuring their work, their truck, their
tools—anything related to the job—and
write a brief caption to say what makes the
entry outstanding. To enter, go to the Taco
FloPro website (flopro.taco-hvac.com) and
click on the DYBW2 section. The contest
runs until midnight, December 31, 2013.
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Carrier recently signed an agreement
with Robert Bosch North America Corp. to
form a joint venture to develop and manu-
facture geothermal and water-source heat
pumps for the North American residential
and commercial segments.
The transaction completion is pending
necessary regulatory approvals.
financial terms of the agreement were not
disclosed. Carrier, a world leader in high-
technology heating, air-conditioning and
refrigeration solutions, is a part of UTC
Building & Industrial Systems, a unit of
United Technologies Corp.
Geothermal heat pumps, which use the
constant belowground temperature of soil
or water to heat and cool buildings, use
25-50 percent less electricity than conven-
tional heating or cooling systems, according
to the U.S. Department of Energy.
With sales of geothermal heat pumps
expected to nearly triple by 2020, Carrier
entered into the agreement to enhance its
offerings and service to the growing market.
Moving forward, Carrier geothermal and
water source heat pumps will be developed
and manufactured at the JV’s Florida
Heat Pump manufacturing plant in Fort
Lauderdale, Fla. Sales channels and the
respective brands for each company will
remain independent of one another.
“The Carrier team is excited by the
opportunities this agreement will provide,”
said Chris Nelson, President, Residential and
Commercial Systems, Carrier. “By bringing
together the strengths of both companies,
from Carrier’s rich legacy of innovation to
Bosch’s well-equipped manufacturing plant
in Fort Lauderdale, we will deliver a high
level of value to our customers.”
“Geothermal heating is one of the
most cost-effective and environmentally
responsible heating and cooling options
available to consumers,” said Richard
Soper, president, Bosch Thermotechnology
Corp. “Establishing a relationship between
Carrier and Bosch will allow us to leverage
our research and development resources
and continue to deliver high quality manu-
factured products to our customers.”
to learn more or
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