Recent News
admin March 04, 2022
The War Is Impacting Us All. During these Most Difficult Times, NEFI Is Here to Help....
admin February 03, 2022
In response to requests from NEFI and other organizations, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has extended its Regional Emergency Declaration to provide hours of service relief for heating fuel delivery drivers. The Emergency Declaration that was set to expire February 6 is now valid through March 8, 2022....
admin January 14, 2022
NEFI has learned that several Northeast states have issued Emergency Declarations waiving or extending daily and weekly hours of service rules for intrastate transport of residential heating fuel, i.e., regular heating fuel deliveries....
admin January 10, 2022
In response to requests from NEFI and other organizations, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has issued a Regional Emergency Declaration to provide hours of service relief for heating fuel delivery drivers. The declaration provides relief from 49 CFR 395.3 (daily and weekly driving time limits) for drivers providing direct assistance supporting emergency relief efforts transporting heating fuel, including propane, natural gas, and heating oil, in 30 Affected States....
admin December 16, 2021
Today, NEFI and its state association partners delivered a letter to the governors of the six New England states, demanding a moratorium on utility-funded conversions to electric and natural gas heating systems....
admin December 03, 2021
This heating season, many fuel dealers and customers are raising concerns about economic pressures related to COVID-19, inflation, supply chain issues, and other factors. Please know that NEFI shares your concerns and is there for you during these times of uncertainty. We have been in close contact with Congress, the White House, and relevant federal agencies regarding various ways our industry delivers relief to vulnerable communities and families in need....
admin November 08, 2021
On Friday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 228-206 to approve the bipartisan infrastructure bill, known as the Infrastructure and Jobs Act (IIJA). President Biden has said he will sign the bill into law. The $1.2 trillion bill includes $550 billion in new spending over five years for "traditional" infrastructure, including roads, bridges, rail, ports, airports, the power grid and broadband internet access. This constitutes the largest investment in U.S. infrastructure in decades. The Senate previously cleared the bill in August by a vote of 69-30 after months of intense bipartisan negotiations....
admin November 04, 2021
NEFI has joined 95 other trade associations in an open letter to President Joe Biden seeking regulatory relief and assistance to address the nation's supply chain issues. Specifically, the letter asks for assistance in five areas:...
admin November 01, 2021
NEFI is on track to achieve significant policy victories for the liquid heating fuel industry in the forthcoming reconciliation bill....
admin October 27, 2021
Liquid Heating Fuel's Frontline Advocates Push Industry Priorities...
admin August 02, 2021
Imagine the fuel that heats your home was so clean it actually helped remove carbon and other greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Residents of Lincoln, Maine won’t have to imagine for long — soon such a fuel will be produced in their community....
admin July 26, 2021
NEFI and 18 allied trade associations penned a letter to Congress this week urging inclusion of renewable fuels as part of a national strategy to reduce emissions in the residential energy sector....
admin May 27, 2021
Legislation to extend the biodiesel and renewable diesel tax credit for three years was reintroduced in the House and Senate this week. The credit is currently set to expire at the end of 2022. This bipartisan legislation would extend it through 2025 at the current rate of $1 per gallon....
admin May 10, 2021
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has issued an Emergency Declaration in response to the unanticipated shutdown of the Colonial pipeline system due to network issues that affect the supply of heating oil, gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and other refined petroleum products throughout the eastern United States....
admin March 17, 2021
WASHINGTON, DC - America's Main Street liquid heating fuel retailers are partnering with advanced biofuel producers to promote policy solutions that will help to achieve net-zero economywide emissions by 2050....