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Tell The White House: American Energy NOW!

admin  -   03:08 pm  -   March 10th, 2022

President Biden has responded to Russian aggression in Europe with an unprecedented ban on imports of Russian oil. We stand behind this decision and the Ukrainian people in their fight for freedom.

However, the president's oil ban was not accompanied by commonsense policy solutions designed to enhance America's energy security. Instead, he doubled down on calls for electrification of the U.S. economy and is allegedly asking Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Iran to replace Russian oil that may be lost to the global market.

These misguided policies are resulting in unprecedented market volatility. Mixed messages to American energy producers are discouraging needed investments, weakening U.S. energy security, and leaving small business heating fuel dealers and their customers holding the bag.

Our nation can responsibly develop conventional energy resources while at the same time expand access to low-cost renewable fuels. Homeowners can save money on their heating and cooling costs with investments in energy efficiency and weatherization. It is time our leaders put aside partisan politics to ensure America's energy independence once and for all.

Earlier this week, NEFI sent a letter to the White House with a list of recommendations to enhance the energy security of America and its allies and provide relief for hardworking families and small businesses - all while reducing harmful emissions.

Now is the time to defend your customers and your business! Click the link below to send your own message to the White House and relevant federal agencies. Letters have been prepared for you and can be sent with a single click. It will only take a moment.