NEFI members must submit an annual inventory of all hazardous chemicals requiring a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) by March 1 of each year. The reporting requirement applies to all inventories of hazardous chemicals, including all fuels, weighing over 10,000 pounds at a facility.
The inventory report is made to the State or Tribal Emergency Response Commission (SERC or TERC), Local or Tribal Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC or TEPC), and local fire department. The information submitted by facilities must also be made available to the public. Check with your State for specific reporting requirements.
Most States require the Tier II form. Tier II forms require basic facility identification information, employee contact information for both emergencies and non-emergencies, information about chemicals stored or used at the facility, and additional data elements which would be useful to local planners and responders.
The following is a list of some of the information required on the inventory form:
The chemical name or the common name as indicated on the SDS;
An estimate of the maximum amount of the chemical present at any time during the preceding calendar year and the average daily amount;
A brief description of the manner of storage of the chemical;
The location of the chemical at the facility; and
An indication of whether the owner of the facility elects to withhold location information from disclosure to the public.