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FMCSA Increases UCR Fees For 2025 By 25%

Admin  -   02:00 pm  -   June 18th, 2024

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has issued a final rule increasing the Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) fees for the 2025 registration year by approximately 25 percent. UCR fees are used by participating states for motor carrier safety programs and enforcement.

By federal law, the total revenue collected under the UCR Plan is capped; if collections exceed the cap, then the FMCSA must reduce the fees accordingly. If the amount of revenue raised falls below the cap, the fees may be increased. Decreases in fees over the previous two registration years averaged 37.3 percent. The final rule states that the fee increases will produce revenues of $13 million, which will enable the UCR Plan to provide funds for state revenue entitlements.

The fees for the 2025 registration year and thereafter will be as follows:

Fees Under The UCR Plan For Registration Year 2025