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NEFI Participates In New England Council Washington Conference

admin  -   09:30 am  -   May 17th, 2017

washington_council.jpgRepresentatives of NEFI participated in last week's New England Council (NEC) Annual Conference in Washington, DC. The NEC is a non-partisan alliance of "businesses, academic and health institutions, and public and private organizations throughout New England formed to promote economic growth and a high quality of life in the New England region." The organization is both non-profit and non-partisan, and provides regular opportunities for its members to engage members of Congress and key federal regulators. NEFI is a longtime active member of NEC and serves on its Energy & Environment Committee. 

Participating in the event were NEFI Government Affairs Committee Chairman Scott MacFarlane, of MacFarlane Energy (Dedham, MA), and NEFI Vice President & Director of Legislative Affairs Jim Collura. MacFarlane participated in a discussion of healthcare legislation with Rep. Joe Kennedy (D-MA) on Wednesday morning, before joining Collura at a House Energy Committee hearing on oil and natural gas pipeline permitting reform. The two then spent Wednesday afternoon in one-on-one meetings with several Congressional staff to discuss oilheat issues. They are pictured with Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), one of nearly two dozen members of the New England delegation that attended NEC's Capitol Hill reception on Wednesday evening.

On Thursday morning, the NEC hosted a breakfast event that featured House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Ranking Member Richard Neal (D-MA). Brady and Neal shared their thoughts regarding comprehensive tax reform, with Brady saying he hopes to finish work on the bill by the end of 2017. Reps. Peter King (R-NY) and Elizabeth Esty (D-CT) were also present and spoke briefly to the group. After the Thursday breakfast event, Scott MacFarlane attended a meeting between NEC members and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Jim Collura meanwhile attended an NEC meeting with senior legislative staff from the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee.